Hello, My Tomorrow!

Seeing news lately kinda makes me scared.

Let's say corruptions, murders, racism, rapes, and stuffs. They keep coming like flood, unstoppable.

It seems like there are more and more people who lose their humanity. They're drowned in their greediness, in their lust, in their hatred, in their selfishness.

It seems like the only thing that they see is "me". There's no "us" anymore, that's why they do not care if other people have to struggle because of their acts, they do not care if they harm other people as long as they're satisfied.

Those are really irritating.

We should remember that every single one of us is human. None of use deserves to be trampled. None of us has a right to make other people suffer.

Despite our differences, we are human after all.

We share this planet to live together.

We don't have any other option but making this planet, this world, to be a better place to live in, to be a safer place to live in.

The only things that we need are listening more, understanding more, and compassion.

And the only ones who have to do it first are us.

It's not only me, nor you, nor them.

It's us.


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