Lately, I feel so tired with what the Merlin BBC's writers did towards Morgana character. I mean.. OK. She's villain. But why can't they show Morgana's feeling as a 'human'. She already got so much pain, but yet, the show only shows her as an evil with no heart.
Let's call a memory when Morgana was a really brave, strong, and skilled young woman who always stands for justice even if she has to stand against the King. A person who's really care about other people and would sacrifice her own life for other people who need help.
As a king's ward, she grew up alongside with the King's hatred towards magic. She had seen how King Uther had no mercy towards people who have magic even if it's just a kid. Under his power, King Uther would sentence people who have magic to death without any hesitation. No wonder, in her mind, magic was something terrifying and something dangerous.
But one day, she realized that she has magic. She got so many prophetic dreams which saved Arthur's life several times. She felt terrified alone. She asked Gaius' help, but the only Gaius gave to her was medicine to make her sleep properly. Gaius tended to ignore the fact that Morgana has the gift. She also trusted Merlin but Merlin never reveals the fact that he also has magic. He chose to keep his magic secret and let Morgana felt lonely because she thought she's the only one in the castle who has magic and has to suffer alone to protect herself from Uther's hatred towards magic. Because of this, she made some mistakes. She trusted Morgause, Mordred, and Alvarr as the ones who can accept her with her magic as her allies and began to against the King for their rights in order to be able to live just like normal people. In the end of her 'kindness' story, she got the fact that Merlin, the one who she trusted to; the one who she's willing to sacrifice her life in order to save his village, tried to poison her. Tried to kill her. As the time goes by, Morgana chose to against Camelot openly. She nearly killed several times and when she's near to death, Aithusa, a baby dragon, saved her life.
In an untold time, Morgana and Aithusa got locked under a pit for 2 YEARS because they have magic by someone who hasn't been revealed yet. For 2 years, the only things that they both had were darkness and each other. Seeing the fact that Aithusa can't speak, it's a possible thing if they were tortured when they locked under the pit too.
Just imagine Morgana's PoV.
We live in a circumstance where people fear us and keep hating us just because something that we born with. Something that is the part of us. Something that we can't choose. Our fate. But those people do not care about that. They still see us as a 'monster'. They haunt us. They torture us. They want to kill us. The ones who we think will stand on our side, betray us. We feel alone and only have fear as a friend.
But then, there are some fellow 'monsters' who openly accept us for who we are. We never felt alone anymore because we finally have people to rely on, people who'll lend their shoulder to us whenever we need, people who give us love while the other only give us hatred and ignorance. We feel so attached to them and want them to be 'free' too. We want us to live in freedom without any fear anymore. We're willing to do anything in order to make it happen. Although it means we have to against our so-called old 'friends' who let us felt alone and afraid.
In the process, we lost those fellow 'monsters', only one left. We both are tortured by people for a really long time. We can't see anything but the dark. Our fellow monster is so traumatized that can't talk. We gain strength by ourselves. We can't believe other people anymore because the pain that they've given to us is too much. The pain makes us blind to see light because it only gives us darkness.
But one day, the another fellow friend appears in front of us with a smile on his face. We feel so happy that he's still alive. We look back to our master plan and will try to make it happen once again in, together. But in the end, the another fellow friend also betrays us, tries to kill us, and chooses to stand by our old friends' side. So, here we go. Alone again. There's only our beloved fellow friend who cannot speak and is in a really terrible condition because of the previous torture. We have to be stronger for each other and do anything to make a better place for us.
See how much pain she has? I think showing Morgana as a 100% evil is not a good thing for me. It's more interesting if they can show us Morgana's complicated side. At least, show us how painful it is for her to live as a person she is now. But no, they only show us, the audiences, her evilness, her smirk, her cruel and brutal plans. That's all. It makes most of the audiences hate her and forget that she feels pain too inside. People keep hating on her and wish her death.
Oh, it's what every villain deserves to get, duh! Death. Fair enough, right? They're evil. *sarcasm*
I personally never like the idea if human villains should be shown 100% evil, unless they're crazy. You know, some of those villains maybe just wanna defend themselves or at least stand for something that they believe is right because they already got hurt constantly and deeply by being the victims of discrimination or something else. Even the villains who do cruel things just for their own satisfactions and greediness are the victims of misleading guidance by the society.
But yeah, society will never be blamed over this. Society is innocence. They just can't be satisfied. *sarcasm*
So, I think writers should not forget this humane part of their villains. If they wanna create a human villain, no matter what, their human villain is still a human, and human has a heart to feel although a little. Show that humane side to the audience, I think it will be more interesting and realistic.
No one in this world is 100% angelic nor 100% devilish.