Hello, My Tomorrow!

Parents should be the ones who lead us in life. The ones who guide and remind us when we choose the wrong path. The ones who give us loads of affection and love. The ones who always be by our sides when the whole world leaves us. The ones who will smile widely when they see us succeed in life and the ones who will lend their shoulders when we fail.

This video just hurts me a lot inside. 

I never thought before that a parent could be that evil. I mean, look at her eyes. They're full of pain and trauma. See how she still brings some guns with her everywhere. See how insecure she is. And those pains were caused by her own FATHER. A figure that should be the one who protects her, the one who should stand for her safety and sake.

I just wanna say to everyone who wanna be a parent, and especially to you Steven, Brie's 'father, please treat your children with love and affection. Remember, as parents, you are the only figures that your children have to shelter to. Imagine how painful it is for them if the only figures that they have to rely on, betray them and even hurt them deeply. When you hurt them, they may survive at the moment but the pains that they felt will remain forever and even can be worse as the time goes by.

I can't imagine how hard she's tried this far to move on and get rid from her trauma. But I can tell that she's such a strong woman. One of the strongest women I've ever known. She deserves a better life after all that she's been through in her life. 

To Brie: Stay strong, keep looking ahead, and don't ever look back anymore if it only hurts you. You're a really steadfast woman.


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