I often became skeptical to any religions, yes Islam too, because I usually thought too much and too far about the theoretical aspects of religions. It seemed like the only things that mattered to me were those theoretical aspects of religions, such as: What is God? Do religions have the same 'God' according to the history and their holy scripts? What makes religions often against each other radically? Is scientific religion necessary? And the list of questions went on and became more and more complicated. Those questions, which encouraged me to discuss and read more and more books, surely helped me to develop my knowledge, but somehow, those discussions and theoretical books also made my heart empty and cold.
The more I concerned about the theoretical things about religions, the more I felt empty. But, thanks to the video that I posted above, I finally realized that I forgot something important about religions. I forgot to put my attention more into "this thing". Something simple.
This video made me realized that the most important thing about religion is not as complicated as I thought. The essence of religion is to be the light for our lives, to lead us to be a better person who cares about others, who respects others, who brings peace to others, who'll live hand in hand with others, who'll help others that need help, who spreads love and peace. In short, it leads us to be a better person for ourselves and for people around us.
I feel so stupid. I mean, there's nothing wrong with discussing or reading books about religions. We need to do that so that we do know what we believe in and do not have faith just because we're born under our parents' faiths. But, in my case, I spent almost all of my time to satisfy my mind not my soul. I sought answers of those theoretical questions about religions like crazy, but I forgot to see and adjust the essences of religion into my life.
In other words, this video helps me to warm up my cold heart and ignorant mind. It always be a great reminder for me that the most important thing that we should do as a religious is not about having an extensive knowledge about our religions, but it's about adjusting the essences of our religions to our life, so that we can be a better human being and be the light for other people.
PS:*I know, it's an Islamic song, but I tried to make this article as general as I could. So, although, we may believe in different faiths, I hope you can still sense the essence of this article.. :)
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